Undocumented Immigrants in the US

Recently I have been pretty occupied with other tedious stuff… but I think I should still keep some updates about news and things that would be potentially interesting. At least to me, it would be a good idea to keep track of things happening and that may potentially be my research idea.

a caricature of some ignorant attitude towards immigrants


As I have been especially interested in immigration issues, these days, it has also been a hot spot in Obama’s political argument, which, of course, a hot spot in the society. Immigration is such an important and complex issue in the society. Religion groups, humanitarians, socialists, political parties, “the tea party”, workers in different sector / social class, consumers in different social class, people in source country, people in destination country, etc. Each party has its own rights to say. As an economist, we look at the issue from economic standpoints. In one sentence, what are the costs and benefits of accepting immigrants? Short run and long run cost and benefit to the current labor force in the country, to the current social welfare system, educational system, to the business, to the political forces, to the consumers, technology improvement, production improvement, stability, etc.

As a person, I have much opinions to pose, but as an economist, I should only speak from data. Although I don’t have any data at the moment and I haven’t started research, I just post this blog to keep track of some news/studies I happen to see.

First of all, here is a study I came a cross from CCIS:

And their own website: http://www.undocumentedmillennials.com/
The researchers did this “National Survey of Undocumented Millennials”. This is something that I have always been hoping to participate/do, for Asian immigrants specifically. I have not been able to get a copy of the study or the survey. From a brief reading of the study abstract, it provides a lot of insight to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. I just mark this study here for future reference 🙂

Another sociologist also proposed several interesting questions in the study from a historic perspective looking at Asian immigrants in a comparative study in the US: https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/wc2014/webprogram/Paper49126.html
Questions it posts include:

  • What are the trends in Asian migration to the USA and within Asia?
  • How do sending countries of Asian migration to the USA and within Asia resemble and differ?
  • Do the same or different types of Asians migrate to the USA and within Asia?
  • What are the similarities and differences in causes of migration to the USA and within Asia?
  • Are there similarities and differences in Asian immigrant transnationalism between the USA and Asian countries?
  • How are Asian migrants to the USA and within Asia similar and different in patterns of adaptation to host societies?
  • How do the impacts on host societies of Asian migration to the USA and in Asia resemble and differ?
  • What is likely to happen to Asian migration to the USA and within Asia in the near future?

These are some good perspectives for me to look into as well 🙂 Just mark it here for future reference. (Also along the session’s link: https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/wc2014/webprogram/Session3331.html)

Another thing to mark here are a sequences of news articles from WSJ recently:

First is the article “Few Children are Deported, clogged courts mean young migrants face low odds of being sent back home”: http://online.wsj.com/articles/few-children-are-deported-1405036369 It talks about the issues of recently flocks of undocumented Latin American children are set to the US and are facing deportation. It’s related political debate, legal process, and such.

“GOP Border Request Set up Legal Fight”: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB40001424052702303833804580019512955652420?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB40001424052702303833804580019512955652420.html

This is more like a political issues in the Congress and White House regarding to the new immigration proposal. It’s pretty much a conclusion debate of a series of articles lately about Obama’s new immigration proposal and which comes to a rejected ending.

That’s about it for now. Will update new encounters soon. And, please send some good luck to me for the exam this coming Friday!!